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SMART App Launch

Medplum is an open source implementation of SMART App Launch 2.0.0. This guide will walk through how to set up and test your SMART App Launch links and test your application.

Configuring your application

  • Create your Client Application in your Medplum project
  • Add the JWKS URI, Redirect URI and Launch URI to the Client Application and save

In the example below, this application is configured to launch Inferno, the testing tool for SMART App Launch.

"resourceType": "ClientApplication",
"name": "Inferno Client",
"id": "<id here>",
"secret": "<secret here>",
"redirectUri": "",
"jwksUri": "",
"launchUri": ""

Registering Patients

To test, you will need to have registered patients in your user account with credentials to sign in. You can invite a patient from your admin panel, remember to select "Patient" in the drop down at the top of the page.

Launching from Medplum App

Once you have saved your application you can launch it from the apps section of the Patient resource page or Encounter resource page. For example:

  • Navigate to the Patient page and click on one of the patients in the list
  • Navigate to the Apps tab of for a specific patient, the URL should look like this<id>/apps
  • You should see the Client Credential application you generated above as a launch link on the apps tab.
  • Click on the link and you will be prompted to re-authenticate with the patient credentials.

The same launch links will be available on the Encounter resource page. You can browse your SMART Launch History form the Medplum app.